
学期日历 & 日程安排







春假2025年3月1日(周六)- 3月7日(周五


参观 朱丽亚招生 页,并选择本学期的扩展部开始申请. 完成申请是不收费的.


查看路线和其他信息,请单击 在这里.

茱莉亚学院的扩展政策和程序 & 必需的信息

We strongly encourage you to enroll online at least one week prior to the start of your course to ensure that you receive all requisite information by the first session. 如果你没有提前至少一个星期注册, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to access all elements at the first session of your course and/or have access to the Irene Diamond Building if you are signing up for an in-person course. 安排预约 鼓励亲身报名. 参观esball世博扩展欢迎中心时,请务必佩戴口罩.



  • 通过Okta在线创建学生档案,我们安全的单点登录平台.

  • 在办公时间打电话给我们的办公室, 美国东部时间周一至周五上午9点至下午5点,电话:(212)799-5000分机. 273. Please note that our offices are closed on Fridays during the months of June through August.

  • 在开放时间内亲自前往esball世博扩展欢迎中心

我们的迎宾中心位于155 W 65街入口的街道上, 在电梯的右边. 

欢迎中心开放:周一至周四,下午1-5点. 请注意,欢迎中心在6月至8月期间的周四关闭.


教员因紧急情况或疾病需要取消上课, the Extension Division office will try to contact the students in that class by email and Canvas. 当老师回到课堂时, 他或她将为学生安排补习课程.



学杂费必须在注册时全额缴纳. 请注意,扩展部是一个非录取项目. 我们不提供奖学金或联邦或州资助.

用借记卡或信用卡支付学费需支付便利费. Students may avoid the convenience fee by paying by check utilizing our online registration system. 我们也接受信用卡/借记卡, 检查, 在开放时间内到我们的欢迎中心亲自登记,并收取现金. 

  • 课程: 参见个别课程列表
  • 注册费用: $35 per semester (nonrefundable; applied once per semester)
  • 练习室使用费: $150 per semester (nonrefundable; optional; only available for piano, 吉他, and voice students)
  • 图书馆借阅费: $40 per semester (nonrefundable; optional)


Extension Division classes are subject to change, cancellation, or closure based on enrollment.

有关残障人士无障碍设施的资料, 请发电子邮件至外延部办公室 (电子邮件保护).


希望退出课程的学生必须发送电子邮件至 (电子邮件保护). 不接受电话提款要求. Ceasing to attend a class or notifying the instructor does not constitute an official withdrawal. Cancellation of payment does not constitute withdrawal or reduce the financial obligations to Juilliard. 退回和停止付款支票将收取25美元的费用.

We offer partial refunds of 75% and 50% for courses with five or more individual classes. 然而, 所有的课程, 不管有多少个单独的类, 是否有资格根据以下通知时间表获得全额退款.

Withdrawal from class does not necessarily entitle a student to a refund or to a cancellation of tuition still due. 退款将在收到书面通知后10天内处理. Refunds are computed from the day on which written notice of withdrawal is received and are issued as follows:

  • 全额退还学费 在第一堂课之前提交的退课
  • 75%的学费退还 第一类和第二类之间的提款
  • 50%的学费退还 在二等和三等之间提交的提款
  • 学费不予退还 第三节课后提交的退课

茱莉亚学院保留询问的权利, 由其自行决定, 如果学生扰乱了课堂秩序,他或她将被勒令退学, 给指导员, 或是茱莉亚学院的工作人员. Disruptive behavior may be grounds for the school to deny enrollment in subsequent Extension Division courses and/or access to the Juilliard building.


以下折扣适用于扩展部的学生. 请不要以为我们有你的折扣信息记录. 折扣不能追溯. 折扣不能合并.

老年人 (age 65 and up) get a 10 percent discount on tuition for 所有的课程 with more than six classes. 可能需要年龄证明. 折扣不适用于费用.


茱莉亚鼓掌协会会员 在Accolade Circle(2美元),500+) or higher level receive a 25 percent discount on tuition for 所有的课程 with more than six classes. 折扣不适用于费用. 完成 茱莉亚会员折扣表格 以获得您的折扣.

林肯中心企业基金 employees of LCCF-member organizations who have Executive Level or higher memberships receive a 10 percent discount on tuition for 所有的课程 with more than six classes. 请联系 (电子邮件保护) 看看你的组织是否有资格. 必须从公司的电子邮件地址验证就业状态吗. 折扣不适用于费用.


朱丽亚校友 (大学和预科)所有课程的学费都有50%的折扣. 折扣不适用于费用. 完成 茱莉亚学院校友折扣表格 以获得您的折扣.


朱丽亚的员工 (全职员工和教职员工)在所有课程的学费上获得100%的折扣. 折扣不适用于费用. 完成 茱莉亚员工折扣表 以获得您的折扣.


所有学生都需要茱莉亚学院的身份证才能进入学校. Only 朱丽亚扩展 students who are taking classes in the building or have library or practice room access will be allowed entry. 要获得茱莉亚学院的身份证,请填写 在线表单.

Students should keep their permanent photo ID cards even if they are not currently enrolled. 当学生重新入学时,他们的身份证将自动重新激活. 学生不得使用身份证刷卡入楼.

带照片的身份证是永久卡. 你永远不需要买一个新的(除非你把它弄丢了)。. Even if you do not enroll for a few years, the card will reactivate once you register again. 这是50美元.换身份证的费用是00英镑.


钢琴专业的学生可以使用练习室设施, 吉他, 只上声乐表演课, 每学期150美元的不可退还费用. 练习室位于四楼和五楼, and 朱丽亚扩展 students are restricted to practice during the following hours:

Monday-Friday 5-11pm
周日11 am-11pm

练习室按先到先得的原则提供. Students who are eligible and have elected and paid for practice room privileges must use the practice room reservation system to book a room. Please note, t在这里 is no guarantee that a room will be available at the hours listed above. 练习室内禁止吃、喝、吸烟. 请点击 在这里 了解更多信息.


Students who are permitted to access the building are welcome to study and read in the Lila Acheson Wallace Library (朱丽亚.edu/library),位于五楼. You must be enrolled in a full-term course and pay the nonrefundable $40 library fee if you wish to check out books or scores and access JUILCAT Plus online. 借阅特权不包括CD录音. 图书馆在茱莉亚学院扩展学期的最后一天停止使用. 工作时间如下:

Monday-Thursday 8:30am-9pm


Outstanding library fines may prevent a student from registering or from receiving a transcript. The loss of books and scores should be reported immediately to the library to prevent the accumulation of overdue fines. Charges for current replacement cost, plus a $30 service fee, are imposed for lost materials. 不得将食物或饮料带入图书馆.


Courses for credit are designed in content and credit to parallel undergraduate courses offered in the Juilliard College Division. Although 朱丽亚扩展 does not offer programs of study leading to a degree or diploma, students may request transfer of earned credits to an undergraduate program at Juilliard or elsew在这里. 每个学期结束时,学生都会收到一个字母分数. 

成绩单必须通过国家信息交换中心索取. 茱莉亚扩展(夜校)成绩单可通过此请求 页面.  

NOTICE REGARDING EXTENSION DIVISION CREDITS: Acceptance of credits earned in 朱丽亚扩展 classes is at the complete discretion of the institution to which the student seeks to apply them. If credits earned in Extension Division courses are not accepted at the institution to which the student seeks to apply them, 学生可能被要求在学校重修部分或全部课程. Students should ensure that their Extension Division course credits will be accepted by contacting the institution for confirmation. 


特定课程需要申请. 学生应在网上申请. 请参阅“日历” & 时间表,“部门页面,或个别课程的应用程序链接.

Returning students who are preapproved by faculty and wish to continue in a class the subsequent semester must register and pay the tuition and fees in full before the scheduled application deadline. 办公室将与这些学生联系,详细说明如何完成注册. Spots are not held for returning students who miss the preregistration deadline; openings are given to applicants, 剩下的名额则留给等候名单上的学生, 如果适用的话.


所有茱莉亚学院的扩展课程都是通过Canvas进行的, 茱莉亚在线学习管理系统. Canvas是您可以访问课程信息的地方, Zoom会议(在线课程), 施舍, 作业, 还有其他资源. Whether you are in-person or online, you will have access to and will likely need to use Canvas.

要访问Canvas,请登录您的Okta帐户. 您的Okta帐户用户名是您的主要电子邮件地址. 登录后,单击Canvas平铺以自动重定向到平台. After entering Canvas, the courses in which you are enrolled will appear on the dashboard. 你的课程将在第一堂课前一周公布. Your instructors may contact you with more detailed information specific to your course(s) closer to the first sessions. 




有关Canvas的进一步帮助和常见问题,请访问 茱莉亚学院扩展学生信息和技术帮助页面.


有关画布和缩放的进一步帮助和常见问题解答,请访问 茱莉亚学院扩展学生信息和技术帮助页面.


所有茱莉亚学院的学生都必须熟悉 学生手册 并遵守其政策.